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Annual General Assembly

Regione Corea

Inserita il: 24/01/2013

3 commentario(i) ...

January 7-10, 2013
Sr. Teresa An, the Delegate superior, officially opened the Annual General Assembly after an hour of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.
Sisters representing the communities of Sinsa dong, Nokbeon dong, Kirum dong, Mubong-ri, Punggi, the Vocation Promotion Team and Cooperators “Friends of the Pastorelle” presented their evaluations to the Assembly. The evaluation was prepared before coming for the Assembly. Each community shared what they have accomplished the whole year and acknowledged their strong points and areas that need to be improved as well.
Rev. Fr. O Se Il Andrea, SJ, facilitated the recollection in the afternoon of January 7 and the morning of January 8. He focused on COMPASSION that has to start in the community before going out to share it with others. The sharing in the evening was meaningful for everybody because many of the sisters shared something very significant for them which was also an opportunity to understand one another deeply.
For more bonding and fun, there was a well participated recreation night organized by Sr. Teresa Min Kyeong and Sr. Gabriela Won. With the good laughter and enjoyable games, everybody went to bed more relaxed and more disposed for the following day’s work.
With much interest, the sisters listened to the presentations of the thesis of Sr. Bernardetta Kim on “INNER FREEDOM” and Sr. Cecilia Son on ECUMENISM. 
For the Renewal of the Apostolate, Professor Choe Francisco gave a very dynamic and informative Lecture on Goal Setting and Vision Making. For the practice, the sisters chose realistic topics which will also be helpful in the near future.
In Korean it is called “A N A B A D A”. This means to use things sparingly, to share with others, to exchange with others and to use again. This is a “spirituality” that the sisters have practiced throughout the year and almost everyone brought in what she could bring and those who need can use them. It was a very satisfying experience and everyone is happy to do it again next year.
On January 10, 2013, the plan of action for 2013 was drawn and Sr. Teresa An closed the sessions with her presentations of the copies of translated Abundantes divitiæ gratiæ suæ.


Pastorelle Sisters, Korean Delegation

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Sister Marita,sjbp (Saipana Community)

22/02/2013 | 03:12

Thanking God for your work done for the greater glory of our God Shepherd. All the best and Congratulations to all especially the presentors of their thesis: Sr. Cecilia and Bernardetta. Let us pray for each other's mission- the pastoral care of God's people in the local Church where are serving.


26/01/2013 | 09:40

Felicitations a vous! me fa plaisire vedere vous toutes nos sorelles; courage a la mission pastorale; soeur sonia gabon

Sr Mary

24/01/2013 | 23:48

Thank you for sharing the experience of what seems to have been a rich fruitful and fun filled Assembly. The practice of "A N A B A D A" is interesting and worth exploring. It's also great to know that you have Abundantes divitiæ gratiæ suæ in Korean. Blessings on your journey ahead!

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