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Celebration of Year of Faith

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 19/06/2013

7 commentario(i) ...

“Fully conscious of the grave difficulties of the time regarding the profession of the true faith and its correct interpretation”, as  Pope Paul VI in his Apostolic Exhortation Petrum et Paulum Apostolos puts it, and in response to Pope Benedict VI’s invitation on this Year of Faith,  “to illustrate for all the faithful the power and beauty of the faith,” the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa in Saipan has declared for the theme of its Catechetical Year 2012-2013: “CATECHISTS & TEACHERS: AGENTS OF THE NEW EVANGELIZATION”.
It was followed by the launching of the Year of Faith by Pope Benedict VI in Rome on October 11, 2012 and the launching of the Youth Ministry in the whole Diocese on October 22, 2012.
Following further Pope Benedict VI’s earnest desire “to arouse in every believer the aspiration to profess the faith in fullness and with renewed conviction, with confidence and hope,” the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Cathedral Parish where two of our Filipina Sisters: Sr. Ma. Rita Siochi, SJBP, and Sr. Emma Lusterio, SJBP, are doing their pastoral ministry, in collaboration with Rev. Fr. Ryan P. Jimenez, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa and Parish Priest, initiated some activities for this purpose. They spearheaded the Celebration of the Year of Faith in the Diocese through the different ministries activated and organized not only in the Cathedral Parish, but also in the neighboring parishes “so that celebration of the faith in the liturgy, especially in the Eucharist may be intensified.” (cf. Porta Fidei)
Sr. Ma. Rita is the Diocesan Ministry Catechetical Coordinator and is also in-charge of the promotion of the four Pontifical Mission Societies, namely:  Propagation of the Faith, Holy Childhood Association, St. Peter Apostle and Missionary Union. As Diocesan Catechetical Coordinator, she goes around the three islands:  Saipan Proper, Tinian and Rota, coordinating 65 head catechists and their assistants in the 13 parishes of the Diocese. Aside from the Retreat-Seminar made available to the catechists, Sr. Ma. Rita also conducts catechetical training to parish-based catechists of the Diocese on the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation and Eucharist, so as to prepare them to share the faith in collaboration with the children, the youth and their parents under the CCD Program of the Diocese. 
To promote the Pontifical Mission Societies, Sr. Ma. Rita encourages the catechetical students to become active members of any of the above-mentioned Mission Groups, by praying one Hail Mary daily and offering sacrifices for the missionaries and children in the mission places of the world, by participating on Sunday Mass and holydays prescribed by the Church, and by giving love offering for the mission.
Sr. Emma, instead, as member of the Diocesan Youth Commission, assists in the spiritual, social and developmental needs of the youth in the parish in collaboration with the existing youth programs. She organizes and implements program of spiritual enrichment for them and does individual counseling, encourages peer ministry in the areas of marriage enrichment, parenting and family life. As Pastoral Associate of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Cathedral Parish, however, she takes charge of the liturgical life of the parish, particularly at Sunday Liturgy, leading prayer services and other liturgical functions / devotions. She also provides regular on-going formation and training to liturgical ministers, and gives Holy Communion to the sick in their homes. As member of the Parish Staff and Ex-Officio member of the Pastoral Council, Sr. Emma regularly attends its meetings to share the pastoral life of the Sisters in the Parish. Together with Sr. Ma. Rita and their Priest-collaborators, they help each other integrate into their respective Group formation the CCD Program of the Diocese where Sr. Emma also helps in giving pre-baptismal instructions and get herself involved in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
To highlight the whole year-round rich pastoral ministries of the Diocese, a one-week annual Lenten Retreat they call, “Come Back to Life”, is given each day to each Group in the Diocese and is concluded on the last day with a Day of Reconciliation where all the priests of the Diocese are present for the sacrament of reconciliation. Thus so far, how the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa of Saipan, USA responds to Pope Benedict VI’s invitation during his homily at the Mass marking the inauguration of his Pontificate, “The Church as a whole and all her Pastors, like Christ, must set out to lead people of the desert, towards the place of life, towards friendship with the Son of God, towards the One who gives us life, and life in abundance.” 

The sisters of Saipan

Leggi i commenti

Sister Estelita

09/07/2013 | 21:57

Your zeal and commitment in your ministry in Saipan are very inspiring...More blessings to your apostolate, good Pastorelle. I am proud to be your sister in Alberione.

Mary & Sisters

06/07/2013 | 15:32

We also wish to express our joy and admiration for your rich pastoral presence in Saipan, and pray for God's continued blessing upon you, the pastors and the community you serve.


21/06/2013 | 17:32

grazie sorelle! L'Eglise en marcha! com voi le popolo de Dio sono felice et continuono firme l'experiencie de loro bateme! sono contente de vedere tanti belle fotop de vostro trabalho pastoral!

Sr May Delalamon

20/06/2013 | 14:22

It's been a long time that we did not see you Srs. Marita and Emma. We miss you! So nice to know how fruitful your pastoral care is in Saipan. Your Happiness where you are is our JOY! All the best!

Ma.Veronica Gungon

20/06/2013 | 03:10

I celebrate with you the wonderful deeds God has done for you and with the people you are collaborating.May St. Peter and Paul continue to intercede with all your undertakings.Remembering you before the Lord,Sr. Marita and Sr. Emma!

sr Rita Nardon

19/06/2013 | 22:14

Belle le foto presentate così! Ma soprattutto grazie per la gioia trasmessa con l'articolo e i volti di persone felici di vivere la vita e l'anno della fede.

Sr Rita

19/06/2013 | 16:05

I can imagine Blessed James Alberione rejoicing and giving thanks for the wonderful pastoral care you are carrying out in Saipan- reaching out to all areas of life.

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