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Days to Remember in JOYFUL THANKSGIVING...

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 17/10/2013

10 commentario(i) ...

October 6, 2013, was the day we, the Pastorelle Sisters in the Philippines, eagerly looked forward to, for the rare gathering of all our Sisters coming not only from the different parts of our country: Quezon City, Cavite, Pangasinan, La Union, Palawan, Digos, but also from Saipan and Australia through Sr. Estelita Mañabo’s presence representing the HSS.
The 1st day celebration of our 75th Anniversary started with the processional dancing of  “Karakol”, a liturgical-cultural dance of Cavite at Jesus Good Shepherd School, to open the Eucharistic Celebration presided by His Excellency, Most Rev. Reynaldo G. Evangelista, D.D., Bishop of Imus. Joining the Pastorelle Sisters in thanking the Lord’s faithfulness to us over the years were the Sisters’ family members, friends and chosen benefactors whose valuable contributions have played vital roles in accompanying the growth of the Pastorelle in the Philippines.  In a simple program specifically prepared for them, each benefactor coming from the different parishes/dioceses where our Sisters are, was handed a Certificate of Recognition acknowledging their warm hospitality, continuous support and untiring collaboration with our Sisters in expressing our ministry of pastoral care.  Selected benefactors from each zone were also invited to share their significant experiences with the Pastorelle Sisters which somehow continue to inspire them to live with greater dedication their life of service in the Local Church. Our thanksgiving won’t be complete without the Filipino way of bonding through shared meals before our visitors parted. 
The day was culminated with the most awaited “Fun Night”, a recreation joined by all the Sisters . . . a few hours of simple, but relaxing moments of bonding together, sharing meals, stories, and laughter, in jokes, dances and songs . . . in whatever meaningful way we could contribute to make each other happy to call the day truly, “A Day to Remember in Joyful Thanksgiving!” 
On October 7, 2013, the actual date of our Congregation’s 75th Foundation Anniversary, it is but fitting that we glorify the Lord for the continuous outpouring of blessings upon us during the years gone by, specifically, for the gift of religious vocation to our Congregation through Srs. Revelyn S. Blanca, SJBP and Rodelia D. Bordan, SJBP, who took their Perpetual Vows in the presence of all our Sisters in the Province at Our Lady of the Pillar Cathedral Parish, Imus City. Prior to the day of Profession, Sr. Narcisa Peñaredonda, the Junior Coordinator, met the parents and other family members present of Srs. Revelyn and Rodelia for faith sharing. She explained to them not only the beauty of the religious calling, but also the corresponding responsibilities accompanying it, likewise on their part as family members.
The Eucharistic Celebration was officiated by His Excellency, Most Rev. Broderick S. Pabillo, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Manila, who expounded deeply during his homily on the nature of the “permanency” of God’s call and the corresponding response of commitment a Sister made through the Religious Profession. He congratulated the two newly perpetually professed Sisters for their courage to give their generous ‘yes’ to the demands of the vows for the rest of their life, particularly at this point in time when everything around us is in constant “change”, and permanence of commitment is no longer a value taken at heart even by those who vowed to stick it out to the end.
Concelebrating with Bishop Pabillo were Most Rev. Pedro Arigo, D.D., Bishop of the Apostolic Vicariate of Palawan, Most. Rev. Manuel Sobreviñas, Bishop Emeritus of Imus, together with 12 other Concelebrating Priests from the Society of St. Paul and from the Dioceses of Imus, La Union and Saipan. In the spirit of thanksgiving a simple banquet was served to all at Jesus Good Shepherd School Gymnasium.
Through the years the Lord has indeed loved us so much . . . loves us so much despite and in spite of ourselves!  We pray that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit who has begun His work in us, conforming us more and more to Christ in the best way that is possible for us, may one day bring to completion what He has started in us.  For everything that has been, thanks be to God!

Sr. Lily Ann de los Santos

Leggi i commenti


24/10/2013 | 10:19

Felicitations a nous tous! Que belo!

Sr. Ampy

23/10/2013 | 03:26

Great! How I wish our congregation will increase in number as we celebrate our Diamond Jubilee. Father Founder, please interced for us!


22/10/2013 | 08:27

Sorry at ngayon lang ako nagkarroon ng time na magbukas ng email kasi walang sariling connection. And today there's a group of our sisters starting their Spiritual Exercises and we are the host. How ggreat is my joy and thanksgiving for the beautiful gift of our vocation as "PASTORELLE". I felt I was there with you all while reading your messages and enjoying your photos. Try to see kasi "siniksik ko rin ang aking sarili... ano? na'ndoon ako, di ba? Love you all and misssss ...ko talaga kayo.

Dina Ranzato

19/10/2013 | 08:43

Carissime, una bella festa per davvero, degna dei nostri 75 anni! Un augurio di buona continuazione dalle vostre sorelle di Pemba

Mary & Sisters

18/10/2013 | 12:34

Maganda! Salamat sa Diyos sa regalo ng bawat isa!

sr Luigia Cuffolo

18/10/2013 | 11:33

Una celebrazione veramente bella e ben descritta: mi sembrava di essere lì tra voi. Poi mi è piaciuto molto che abbiate comcluso con una ricreazione con tanto fun, che avete sperimentato quanto è bello anche lo spazio della gioia, del gioco, del divertimento. Auguri e un abbraccio a tutte.

Sr. Nina Caccam

18/10/2013 | 10:09

The presence of each one in the celebration is a sign that we are indeed a blessing to one another. We will never forget the laughters and the warm smiles that radiates exactly what is in the bottom of our hearts.....a prayerful thanksgiving to the Shepherd of our souls!

sr Rita

18/10/2013 | 09:28

Thank you for sharing your experience! Reading your article and seeing the photos filled me with much joy and gratitude. I am delighted to note how as a Province you have been concerned to ensure that the different celebrations were attentive to the reality of the circumscription and the cultural values of the Filipino people while presenting the history and universality of the Congregation.

Sr. Candida De Angelis

18/10/2013 | 05:01

Thankyou for your creativity and enthusiasm in all you have done. Well done. Let us thank Jesus Good Shepherd for the Gift of the Pastorelle in the world. With gratitude and love Sr. Candida and Sr. Anna Adelaide


18/10/2013 | 02:40

Really an inspiring day to always be grateful to the Lord for his unending generosity to our congregation. May we remain faithful to the call of our Shepherd.

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