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The Pauline Family in Melbourne celebrates St Peter and St Paul

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 30/06/2014

1 commentario(i) ...

On Sunday 29th June 2014 the members of the Pauline Family in Melbourne gathered for a paraliturgy at the Daughters of St Paul in East Hawthorn to honour the apostles Peter and Paul. Pastorelle Sisters, Sister Disciples of the Divine Master and Daughters of St Paul joined in the prayer of Vespers which included readings from the Scriptures as well as excerpts from the writings of Bl James Alberione. 
This is an annual event as it is tradition for the Pauline Family to come together for prayer on the different Congregational feasts. Our next gathering will be on the feast of the Divine Master which the Sisters will host.
It is a moving experience to be in a group whose members are from Australia, Italy, Philippines, Samoa and Japan that sings in Latin as the final him “Scio Cui Credidi, et certus sum…” i.e. “for I know whom I have believed, and I am sure that he is able to guard until that Day what has been entrusted to me “(2Tim 1:12).
At the end of the prayer, mindful of the Centenary Year of the Pauline Family, the Daughters had prepared a powerpoint presentation of various prayer encounters and events of the Pauline Family over the years.  At the end we were treated to a delicious afternoon tea during which we had the opportunity to socialise and to exchange news from the different communities both locally and at the level of Congregations.


Sr Mary La Bruna sjbp

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sr rosanna

30/06/2014 | 18:20

Le belle occasioni di famiglia ci fanno incontrare e offrono la possibilità di pregare e riflettere insieme sul dono ricevuto dal Fondatore d. Giacomo Alberione. Affido ogni religiosa ai due Massimi Pastori della Chiesa e invoco per ognuna abbondanza di grazie.

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