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Postulancy Community

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 03/08/2014

6 commentario(i) ...

God has blessed our congregation with two young ladies who entered the Aspirancy last March 25, 2014 and now are members of the Postulancy Community. They are indeed a great gift for the coming year of our Golden Jubilee of Foundation in the Philippines. The following are their reflection after some weeks in the community:
The loving presence of God”, this is what I have experienced with the Postulancy community. There are only 4 members of the community, 2 aspirants and 2 sisters, a few it may seem, but the joy is strongly felt all over the house. All of us have different apostolates which keeps us busy during the day but when we are together as a community especially in prayer, all the difficulties that I encounter somehow were given meaning. I myself go out of the convent for my studies but every time I will leave, I am already looking forward into going back home. Indeed, it is a home of God. 
The presence of Sr. Tess, Sr. Roselle and Aspirant Shiela always reminds me of how good the Lord is. Their smiles, sharings, laughter and even reminders makes me feel that God is truly present. Some struggles have come in very early for me when both my mother and father were hospitalized last June. At first I don’t know why these are happening but with the guidance and support of Sr. Roselle and Sr. Tess I have accepted the challenges with full entrustment to the Lord. I am greatly thankful that the Lord has given me courage to respond to His call and be part of not only the Postulancy community but more so of the Pastorelle Sisters". 
Aspirant Julie Ann Bojos

New life... New beginning...
"It takes COURAGE and HUMILITY to answer God’s call. Just learn to BELIEVE and have FAITH. Leaving my family was the most difficult decision, but in my difficulties I found HAPPINESS. HAPPINESS that I have never felt before. Something that I could not explain, something that the moment I enter the first stage of formation and  experience the life of being a sister I felt a unique and indescribable feelings. A feeling of being blessed by God with my NEW FAMILY, here in the Postulancy House. Unique personalities and different stories of God’s calling but with a common goal: “to live and give Jesus Christ the Way, Truth and Life”.    
The fruitful and meaningful experiences with Sr. Tess, Sr. Roselle and Aspirant Julie in the formation house inspires me to continually to live and share Christ through my apostolate, prayer, study and community life despite  the difficulties in my new journey. With their smile and encouraging words I have been  able to see God in all my undertakings". 
Aspirant Sheila Estremos

Let us offer our prayers for the perseverance of these Aspirants and may the Jesus, our Good Shepherd continue to call many young women to share in His pastoral mission.

Leggi i commenti

Sr. Celia

07/08/2014 | 11:19

Congratulations for the beautiful and smiling faces! Buona giornata!

sr rosanna benedetti

06/08/2014 | 12:01

Dear sisters Tess and Roselle, thank you for the news about two new postulants in Philippines. May God continue helping you in your precious mission. I pray for all of you and invoke God's blessings.

Sr Nina, sjbp

05/08/2014 | 06:16

Two young souls inspired by the gift of the community will surely form within them the heart of the Good Shepherd. Thank you dear Srs Tess and Roselle. Rest assured of our prayers. Extend our regards to Julie and Shiela. Pls hug and kiss them for us.

Sr Mary

04/08/2014 | 04:49

We are happy and grateful to the Good Shepherd for leading you, Julie and Sheila, to our Congregation. Thank you for your personal sharing which I find very inspiring. In faith and love we journey with you and Sr Roselle and Sr Tess, and keep your families in our prayer too.

Sr. Candida

04/08/2014 | 00:07

Let us thank Jesus together for the new Postulant at aour Community. All the blessings to them and all the joy forthis gift of Jesus to our Province God bless all of you

Sr. Ignacia

03/08/2014 | 15:07

Thanks Sisters for your beautiful witness! To our aspirants Julie Ann and Sheila, it is a great joy to hear your testimonies and for you to be able to name and appreciate those basic virtues which bring you both to the realization of the goodness of God. I am praying with you.

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