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Pray and work for Vocation!

Governo Generale

Inserita il: 04/09/2014

6 commentario(i) ...

This is one of the thrusts of the Church in Taiwan. At present, there is a big need for local vocations  here and so as a response to this call, The Regional Bishops Conference of Taiwan asked our presence at the Regional Seminary to work for vocation.
Last August 25-28, 2014 the Diocese of Tainan had a Diocesan Altar Servers Camping and Formation. This is part of our initiative to promote vocations especially to the Altar Servers. The  talk given was precisely to help them become aware of the urgent need of Church of Taiwan to have courageous men and women willing  to respond generously to the loving call of God to follow  his footsteps specifically the call to Religious life.   

Sr. Jessica Aglavia

Leggi i commenti

sr rosanna

08/09/2014 | 17:26

Go on, sisters. May God bless your ministry, your witnessing and you future life. I pray for you and entrust to Jesus Good Sheperd each one of you. Love.

Dina Ranzato

07/09/2014 | 21:24

Felicitazioni per il lavoro vocazionale che state facendo: Ci ha riempite di gioia. Un abbraccio da tutte noi di Pemba

Sr Mary

05/09/2014 | 01:34

Well done Jessica. The witness of your own life dedicated to the Lord as a Religious Sister, is an example and inspiration for the young people you work with.

Sr. Ignacia

04/09/2014 | 14:22

It is always nice to see young people being gathered by the Church and for the Church. Congratulations and thank you, Sr. Jessica for being part of our pastoral mission in Taiwan! May the Lord call more young people.

Albina Bosio

04/09/2014 | 14:15

Sr. Jessica Che bello vederti giá con iniziative apostoliche. Che il Signore benedica il vostro inserimento. Vi accompagno con la preghiera.

sr Rita

04/09/2014 | 12:43

What a wonderful manner of promoting awareness of being at the service of the Church and growing in one's understanding of the Lord's call in living fully the commitment of Baptism.

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