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His vineyard is bountiful

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 24/09/2014

3 commentario(i) ...

The San Fernando La Union community started on June 7, 1986 upon the request of the Bishop, the late Most Reverend Salvador Lazo DD. Through the years, the sisters are significantly involved in the pastoral journey of the Diocese and its parishes, in collaboration with the Ordinary, the different parish priests and lay pastoral workers. The different ministries where the sisters were involved have contributed meaningfully in the lives of the people and enriched the fraternal life shared in the different communities.

After 29 years since its birth, the sisters of the present community still experience the relevance of the pastoral charism of our Congregation in the modern times particularly in this Diocese of San Fernando La Union. The following ministries are:

The Diocesan Social Action Commission, is the arm of the Church that helps the less fortunate of the society. Through the various programs of the Commission, the poor are offered the possibilities to be self-reliant. Next year the Philippine Church will celebrate the Year of the Poor and the Commission will spearhead the preparations and the celebration. A staff is assisting Sr. Sonia Hernandez, the program coordinator and some dedicated volunteers. 

In response to the teaching of the Church “Erga Migrantes Christi” and Second Plenary Council of the Philippines # 108, the Diocesan Ministry for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (DMMI) was created on July 1, 1999. The programs and services are Education and Formation, Pastoral and Social Services, linkages and networking with government and non-government agencies. Sr. Lolita J. Guibac is the present DMMI Coordinator.

Formation of the youth is the prime concern of the Diocesan Youth Ministry and Sr. Shirley T Torrente is Diocesan Youth Coordinator. The Leadership Training Formation for 28 youth leaders in the Diocese held last August 24-25, 2013 paved the way to create a Diocesan Vision-Mission Statement: “We envision a formed and prayerful youth” thus set the direction of the ministry. In the pursuit of the continuing effort for the formation of the young, various formation programs are designed for this purpose.  
In respond to the request of the present Bishop – Most Rev Rodolfo Beltran, DD the newest ministry is the Campus Ministry to the two Diocesan Schools namely Sacred Heart School and Sts. Peter and Paul Learning Center both in Bauang, La Union. Sr. Marivic P. Ching the Campus Minister finds it quite a challenge to journey with the Students, Teachers and Parents as well. This ministry is relevant and important in the educational milieu.

We are grateful to the Good Shepherd who called us and entrusted to us His flock. We feel that our Pastoral Charism is relevant and significant in the journey of this Diocese. Indeed, with heart full of joy and gratitude we carry on the mission --- journeying with the people and caring for souls.


Pastorelle Sisters – Diocese of San Fernando La Union

Leggi i commenti

sr. Estelita(Australia)

01/10/2014 | 11:06

Very inspiring to know the various ways each of the sisters reach out to God's flock in San Fernando. Surely the sisters' contagious smiles will be able to win people's hearts to the Lord.

sr rosanna

30/09/2014 | 12:18

Dear sisters, thanks for the news from San Fernando. I am very surprised reading about many expression of your pastoral ministry. I still remember my visit to your community and keep you in my mind.

Sr. Ignacia

25/09/2014 | 14:22

Dear Sisters, Thank you for sharing your journey with the people of the Diocese of San Fernando, La Union! Beautiful! May the Good Shepherd continue to keep you and bless you.

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