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Sr Arsie Estrada visits the Pastorelle Sisters in Australia

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 20/11/2014

3 commentario(i) ...

The Pastorelle Sisters in Australia had the joy of welcoming Sr Arsie Estrada in their midst from 5 to 17 October 2014. This was her first fraternal visit as Provincial Superior of the Philippine-Australia-Saipan Province since she came into office on 1 June 2014, therefore marking the beginning of a new chapter in the journey of our Congregation in Australia.
In the two weeks that Sr Arsie was with us, we had an assembly where she presented the work and presentations of the 7th Interchapter held in Rome last August 2014, devoting special attention to Sr Marta’s triennial report and final recommendations. A meaningful part of the assembly was the presentation of the lamp to the Superior and in turn to the Coordinators. All times of prayer were special moments of communion.
Sr Arsie spent time in each of the three communities of Melbourne and Adelaide and met some of our closest collaborators, parish priests, College Principal and Pauline Cooperators. During her visit Sr Arsie also held the consultation for the new Superior and bursar for Australia. 
Before her departure for the Philippines we made time to visit friends and to have an Aussie outing. The rosella park experience was a highlight.
The visit was for all of us a time of grace. We are grateful to Sr Arsie for her care and love for the Australian community. We thank God for her and her Council and pray that we may continue to grow in love and communion with one another and remain creatively faithful to the pastoral mission entrusted to us.

Sr Mary La Bruna sjbp

Leggi i commenti

sr rosanna benedetti

27/11/2014 | 10:56

Good to see you! I enjoy for your journey and for sr Arsie visit to you as PROVINCIAL. I pray for your future and entrust to God everyone life

sr Rita

25/11/2014 | 15:34

The sense of belonging and communion within the Congregation of the Pastorelle is powerfully expressed with the gathering of the Australian community and Sr Arsie as provincial and the presence of members of the local church; mingled also with some natural beauty of this vast country.

Sr. Shirley

25/11/2014 | 04:01

It's nice to hear from you my dear Sisters in Australia. Looking at your photos makes me feel as if I am there one with you. I believe that the fraternal visit of Sr. Arsie will bring blessings to you and will keep us closer to one another despite the geographical distance. Keeping you all in our prayers here in San Fernando La Union as we journey together as a province. Jesus the Good Shepherd is with us, we belong to Him.

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