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Tanza Community

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 02/12/2014

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Brief History
The word Tanza according to the popular belief, may have originated from the word Santa (Holy). It was officially named Sta. Cruz de Malabon in 1770, due the devotion of the natives to the Holy Cross.
On August 29, 1780, the Barrio was created as an independent parish with Sta. Cruz as its titular.
Historical Significance
Emilio Aguinaldo and Mariano Trias took their oaths as President and Vice President, respectively, of the revolutionary Government of the Philippines on March 23, 1897, in the convent of the Santa Cruz Church. It was witnessed by Fr. Cenon Villafranca who’s priest of the Church that time.

Devotion to St. Augustine of Hippo
In 1780, it was a popular belief that the image of St. Augustine was found in a river which is now called Rio del Obispo. The image was brought to the Parish Church for veneration. The devotion to St. Augustine spread like a wild fire as countless miracles were attributed to it. The people’s relationship to the saint has gone very personal which is the reason they call him “Tata Usteng”. 

Because of that it became center of pilgrimage at Cavite especially at the month of August, St. Augustine’s Feast Day. Due to this fact, His Emminence Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle, DD officially announced St. Augustine as Tanza town’s Patron Saint.

Sta. Cruz Parish Youth Ministry
The young people of Tanza also have strong devotion to Tata Usteng. 
They  organized an activity called “Dalaw Patron” in  two Public High School (The image of St Augustine visits the Public High School – Replica only) 

Sr. Arlita Ballarta, a Pastorelle Sister and the Youth Ministers catechized the students about the life story of Saint Augustine focus on virtues and vocation, they connect the life of St. Augustine with their lives. They also invited them to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

At the end of their catechesis, The teachers and the students gathered in school ground for a religious procession-dance called “Karakol”. They dance with their heart showing their sincere devotion and love to Tata Usteng. 


Sisters of the Tanza Community

Leggi i commenti

sr rosanna

07/12/2014 | 10:45

I still remember my visit to Tanza community a few years ago - last century! I appreciated your ministry among the people and the devotion to S. Augustin. I pray for you. Best whishes for Christmas

Sr Mary

04/12/2014 | 10:17

What a lively celebration! It's lovely to see our Sisters involved with so many young people; and it's interesting that they are looking to St Augustine (Tata Usteng) for he will surely lead them to Jesus as the One who gives meaning to all of life.

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