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Mass of Thanksgiving for Religious

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 14/09/2015

4 commentario(i) ...

who have served the parish of St Mary’s, Thornbury

On Sunday, 13 September 2015, the parish of St Mary’s, Thornnbury, marked the Year of Consecrated Life with a Mass of thanksgiving for past and present men and women Religious who have served the parish over many years. Fr Gerry Medici, parish priest, was congratulated for his graciousness in organising the celebration. He was generous in his expressions of praise and gratitude in his homily.

Among those gathered were a good number of Sisters of the Good Samaritan who were the pioneer teachers in St Mary’s parish school when it first opened in 1920. There was a small group of Christian Brothers and a few Pastorelle Sisters. It can be seen from the photos that the Religious present were all of mature age. This only makes us wonder at the faithfulness of God in our lives and the faith-filled response to his love.

It was a joyful celebration and Fr Medici’s comments highlighted its significance: 

“We welcome with an open heart, past and present people in consecrated life, who have served the parish of St Mary’s over many years.  The parish is grateful for their commitment and dedication in proclaiming the gospel and instilling hope in the lives of people, through education, pastoral care, friendship and personal witnessing of their faith in God.  Through this special Mass of thanksgiving we call on God to bless them with grace as they strive to be “Gospel, Prophecy and Hope” for others.”

As part of the eucharistic celebration, Fr Medici invited Sr Doreen Bentley, Pastorelle,  to give a reflection on the consecrated life. Doreen gave a very thoughtful and inspiring reflection based on Pope Francis’ Letter to Religious and it was much appreciated.Attached is a copy of her sharing for you to also be inspired.

St Mary’s parish was home to the Pastorelle Sisters from 1963 to the end of 2014 and in that period several Sisters carried out the ministry of pastoral care in the parish, including Sr Theresa, Sr Rita, Sr Anna and Srs Estelita, Doreen, and Letizia who were present at the Mass. Sr Estelita also made her perpetual profession in St Mary’s Church in 1982. And both our beloved Sisters who have died in Australia, Sr Theresa Ragusa and Sr Alberta Scalet, were buried from St Mary’s Church. And one of our first official Pauline Cooperators, Angie Bongiorno, who died in 2012 was a parishioner of St Mary’s. 

So, while enjoying the appreciation, affection and prayer of thanksgiving led by Fr Gerry, we too added our song of praise and thanksgiving for our long sacred journey shared with St Mary’s parish community over so many years.

At the end of Mass we were treated to a delicious morning tea which a group of parishioners kindly prepared.  For all that has been, thanks be to God!


Sr Mary La Bruna, sjbp

Leggi i commenti

Sr. Marnie Cabiles

30/09/2015 | 04:17

Congratulations dear sisters!

Sr. Shirley Torrente from San Fernando La Union, Philippines

16/09/2015 | 09:33

Dear Sisters, Congratulations for the wonderful celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life on the occasion of the recognition of the religious who served St. Mary's Thornbury with love and dedication. We are praying for your continuous zeal and love serving the people in that parish community. May Jesus the Good Shepherd contineously accompany you in all your undertakings. Affectionately yours, Sr. Shirley

Sr Candida De angelis

15/09/2015 | 13:55

A big thank to Fr. Medici and all the Brothers and Sisters. It is good to celebrate the great gift God has given us. Congratulation!

Sr. Ignacia

15/09/2015 | 12:59

I am inspired and moved by this gathering. Truly it's always good to acknowledge the richness of the Spirit in the life of Consecrated People. Well done Brothers and Sisters and many thanks to Fr. Gerry in his graciousness!

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