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Province Assembly 12-17 April 2016

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 23/04/2016

2 commentario(i) ...

The Philippine-Australia-Saipan-Taiwan Province (PI-AU-SA-TA) gathered and had an assembly last April 13-17, 2016 at the Provincial House, Quezon City to evaluate the journey of the Province and come up with a one year program for the Apostolic Year 2016-2017.  Australia was represented by Sr Mary La Bruna while Sr Veronica Gungon represented Taiwan.

It was a grace-filled moment for the Province where there was an active participation, unity, cooperation among the Sisters in all the activities undertaken as well as the tasks given and shared.  Sr Arsenia Estrada, Provincial, in her warm opening address remarked how “this was a wonderful opportunity for us to experience the healing power of God as well as his mercy and compassion”. Joy radiated in the faces of the Sisters in a friendly environment especially during the light moments of bonding and camaraderie. 

On the first day of the Assembly the Sisters were inspired by the sharing of Sr Annie Lumogdang’s experience on the course she attended in Australia, The Joy of The Gospel.  Fr Norman Pena SSP challenged the Sisters with his dynamic input titled “The Voice” of the Shepherd: Alberionian Challenges for Pauline Witness Today”.

On April 14 the Sisters had a day out visiting the shrine of Padre Pio in Batangas and enjoying the warm hospitality of the Perez and Llanto families, and joining in the happy celebration of the 56th anniversary of wedding of Sr Marites’ parents, Natividad and Sebastian.

The daily Eucharistic celebration highlighted the occasion wherein we deepen more our understanding and appreciation our pastoral charism on Collaboration, Communion, Mercy and Compassion this Jubilee Year of Mercy.  There was an in depth discussion in the planning in the four areas of our life: Discipleship: Life in Christ Shepherd, Pastoral Vocation and Formation, Pastoral Ministry and the Evangelical Service of Authority with reference to the enriching Letter-Message sent by Sr Marta Finotelli, Superior General, following the canonical visit in 2015.  The reality of the Province was elaborated and the direction where we are leading was presented.

The feast of Jesus Good Shepherd marked the conclusion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of our foundation in the Philippines. Highlights of the day were: the Eucharistic celebration at  Mary Mother of the Good Shepherd chapel, presided by the bishop of Imus, Reynaldo G. Evangelista D.D., the letter of the Superior General Sr. Marta Finotelli, was read during the said celebration; the reminiscing of the humble beginning of the establishment of our Congregation in the Philippines on the visit of the first place at Imus where the kindergarten started; the crossing of the Holy Door and the prayerful visit on the tomb of our former bishop-collaborator the late Most Rev. Felix Perez, D.D., former bishop of the Diocese of Imus, Cavite. A much awaited part of the Assembly was the giving of the apostolic assignments of the Sisters. The day finished on a very happy note with an amazing show of talent with the Sisters performing Pastorelle Got Talent.

Indeed, Jesus Good Shepherd is animating and leading us to the green pasture of His vineyard this momentous event of our apostolic life and we entrust everything that lies ahead to His mercy and compassion With joy and gratitude in our hearts we appreciated and recognized the sacrifices and prayers offered by our Sisters in the different parts of the world, the members of the Pauline Family as well as our bishops, priests and lay collaborators, friends and benefactors to make this gathering a memorable event.  Salamat sa Diyos!

Sr. Shirley Torrente SJBP and Sr. Mary La Bruna SJBP

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sr rosanna

24/04/2016 | 10:07

Salamat sa Dyios! I enjoy your thanksgiving for the rich journey of your province since the beginning. The annual assembly is the occasion for meeting and planning for the future in three very different situations: Phlippines, Australia and Taiwan. May the Lord continue sharing his blessing upon each one of you and sustain you ministry vhere you are. For me is also a good occasion to see you and sing : All I ask of you is forever to remember me as loving you!

Pasquina Crepaldi

23/04/2016 | 19:05

Carissime sorelle, è una gioia vedere la Provincia PI-AU-SA-TA così cresciuta e tanti volti noti che ricordo sempre con molto affetto. Vi ricordo tutte e ciascuna in particolare a Gesù buon Pastore e vi auguro di continuare ad essere la presenza e la voce del Pastore buono Gesù nel mondo. Cari saluti sr Pasquina

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