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A gathering of friends

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 16/06/2016

1 commentario(i) ...

At “Alberione House”, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia on Saturday 11th June, 2016 we had a gathering of old friends and new, with prayer and  instruction for many of them have expressed an interest in becoming Pauline Co-operators, Friends of Jesus Good Shepherd. These numbered fourteen men and women Catholics, with also a member of the Macedonia Orthodox Church.
In the first part of the morning, we shared in some warm refreshments to help fend off the cold of this winter’s day. There was then a power point presentation on the life and mission of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, after which the participants were encouraged to ask questions. Some did, while others expressed their appreciation in knowing more about these pillars of the Church.
The participants were then invited to spend some time alone for personal prayer. We later met in the chapel for prayer: hymns and psalms that reflected what we knew about Peter and Paul and some more quiet time for personal prayer and reflection. 
Lunch was then shared, with further discussion of the morning’s events and an invitation for our next gathering. The date of which is to be decided.


Sr. Doreen Bentley sjbp

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sr. shirley torrente

17/06/2016 | 06:40

Congratulations dear sisters for this initiative of gathering friends to be our collaborators, partners in the vast vineyard of the Lord. We share the same joy and gladness you experienced. We are one with you in spirit and love. God bless and more flourishing encounter with our friends.

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