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A day filled with grace and blessing

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 25/11/2015

Three important gatherings happened simultaneously on October 10, 2015 around the Diocese of Alaminos in the three ministries where we are pastorally involved...

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Canonical Visit

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 13/11/2015

The Philippine-Australia-Saipan-Taiwan Province was truly visited profoundly by the Lord through the Canonical Visit...

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Canonical Visit in Australia

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 13/11/2015

Canonical visit in Australia of Sr Marta Finotelli, Superior General, accompanied by Sr Arsenia Strada, Provincial Superior of PIi-AU-SA-TA

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Il Nuovo libro di sr Elena Bosetti

Inserita il: 10/11/2015

È stato pubblicato il secondo volume della collana “Tra Bibbia e Psicologia"...

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Provincia ICN realizza assemblee

Inserita il: 10/11/2015

Provincia ICN realizza assemblee nei giorni 22-24 ottobre e 4-6 novembre...

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The Pauline Family in Melbourne gathers for the solemnity of the Divine Master

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 03/11/2015

At the kind invitation of the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master, the Daughters of St Paul and the Pastorelle Sisters gathered together in Camberwell to celebrate the feast of the Divine Master...

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Imparare ad abitare le periferie esistenziali dell’umanità

Inserita il: 02/11/2015

Nei giorni 10-12 e 23-25 ottobre, in Albano, si sono svolte le due mini-assemblee per le Pastorelle della Provincia Italia Cento Sud - Albania...

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Suore di Gesù buon Pastore – Pastorelle

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